1. Verify that the battery is fully charged.
2. Warm up the engine to the normal operating temperature.
3. Stop the engine and allow it to cool off for about 10 min.
4. Perform Fuel Line Safety Procedures. Leave the fuel pump relay removed.
5. Remove the ignition coil connector.
6. Remove the spark plugs. (See SPARK PLUG REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
7. Connect a compression gauge into the spark plug hole.
8. Fully depress the accelerator pedal and crank the engine.
9. Note the maximum gauge reading.
10. Inspect each cylinder as above.
or more, add a small amount of engine oil through the spark plug hole. Then measure the compression pressure and perform the respective operations for the following cases.
- If the compression increases, the piston, the piston rings, or cylinder wall may be worn and overhaul is required.
- If the compression stays low, a valve may be stuck or improperly seated and overhaul is required.
- If the compression in adjacent cylinders stays low, the cylinder head gasket may be damaged or the cylinder head distorted and overhaul is required.
kPa {kgf/cm2, psi} [rpm]
kPa {kgf/cm2, psi} [rpm]
kPa {kgf/cm2, psi} [rpm]
11. Disconnect the compression gauge.
12. Install the spark plugs. (See SPARK PLUG REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
13. Connect the ignition coil connector.
14. Install the fuel pump relay. (See BEFORE REPAIR PROCEDURE.)
Mazda 6 Service Manual: Pid/data monitor inspection
1. Connect the WDS or equivalent to the DLC-2.
2. Measure the PID value.
Perform part inspection for the output device after PCM
The PID/DATA MONITOR function monitors the calculated value of the
input/output signals in the PCM. Therefore, if a monitored value ...
Mazda 6 Service Manual: Disconnection of the negative battery cable
Before beginning any work, turn the ignition switch to LOCK position,
then disconnect the negative battery cable and wait for more than 1 minute
to allow the backup power supply of the SAS unit to deplete its stored
power. Disconnecting the battery cable will delete the memories of the