Mazda 6 manuals

Mazda 6 Service Manual: Throttle position (tp) sensor inspection

Mazda 6 Service Manual / Fuel and emission control systems / Control system / Throttle position (tp) sensor inspection


Resistance Inspection

1. Perform the following test only when directed.

- Accelerator cable free play (See ACCELERATOR CABLE INSPECTION/ADJUSTMENT.)

2. Disconnect the TP sensor connector.

3. Verify that the resistance between TP sensor terminals A and B changes smoothly while opened and closed the throttle valve slowly.

4. Measure the resistance between TP sensor terminals A and C using an ohmmeter.

3.2-4.8 kilohms

Circuit Open/Short Inspection

1. Disconnect the PCM connector. (See PCM REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)

2. Inspect the following wiring harnesses for open or short. (Continuity check)

Open circuit

- TP sensor terminal A (harness-side) and PCM terminal 2H (harness-side)

- TP sensor terminal B (harness-side) and PCM terminal 2A (harness-side)

- TP sensor terminal C (harness-side) and PCM terminal 2K (harness-side)

Short circuit

- TP sensor terminal C (harness-side) and power supply

- TP sensor terminal C (harness-side) and body GND

- TP sensor terminal B (harness-side) and power supply

- TP sensor terminal B (harness-side) and body GND

- TP sensor terminal A (harness-side) and power supply

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